University returns a 1 million dollar donation granted by Coca Cola to support research in favour of sugary drinks

1 million dollars were returned to Coca Cola because they had been used to shift the blame for obesity away from junk food. This is Colorado University’s courageous choice.

The donation granted in 2014 by the Coca Cola group to the School of Medicine of the University of Colorado in order to establish the Global Energy Balance Network, a non-profit group of scientists, was used to shift the blame for obesity away from unhealthy eating habits. This is what was revealed by the New York Times, who also reported some declarations of the University: “Obesity and related health issues are serious concerns for personal medical care and public health. The School of Medicine and physicians and researchers on the University of Colorado are making significant contributions to the understanding of and care for these health-related issues and Coca Cola, the source of funding for the network, should not distract from their efforts”.




Basically, the Global Energy Balance Network, under the donour’s pressure, would have stated that the lack of physical activity is the major cause of obesity, minimising the negative effects of junk food. In a video, Steven Blair, scientist at the University of South Carolina and vice president of the group, accuses the media because they blame fast foods and sugary drinks for the country’s high rate of obesity, declaring that there’s “really virtually no compelling evidence that that, in fact, is the cause”.

The group also launched a campaign on Facebook and Twitter in which it promotes physical activity as a solution to obesity, remaining silent on the role of food.


cibo spazzatura


In August, the Center for science in the public interest presented a petition signed by 37 scientists and public health authorities accusing the Global Energy Balance Network of peddling scientific absurdities. In an interview, Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of CSPI, he praised the University of Colorado for returning the sum of money.

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