Ranger killed by poachers for protecting elephants in Congo
Poachers killed the ranger Agoyo Mbikoyo, committed to monitoring elephants in the Congolese park.
Poachers killed the ranger Agoyo Mbikoyo, committed to monitoring elephants in the Congolese park.
Located on the banks of the Persian Gulf, Dubai is one of the seven United Arab Emirates. This city, renowned for its magnificent skyscrapers, including Burj Khalifa, the tallest man-made structure in the world, is changing course and becoming one of the most sustainable cities in the world as it prepares to be the host
Humans need to sleep a certain amount of hours every day, which can vary depending on the age: adults need an average of 7-8 hours per night. Sleep allows us recovering the energies we lost throughout the day, and makes our organism work better, favouring concentration and coordination. Sleeping habits vary from animal to animal: every
The province of Khyber Pakhtunkwa will invest 150 million dollars in reforestation, in order to combat climate change.
A new study reveals that forests can play a key role in achieving global food security.
Tiny amounts of chemical substances were found in drinking water pouring from the taps of three homes in Pennsylvania, United States. According to a study conducted by the environmental scientists of the Pennsylvania State University, the cause should be ascribed to fracking (hydraulic fracturing) activities promoted by the U.S. Government. The paper was published in the
According to a study carried out in Detroit essential oils are going to replace chemicals such as chlorine in the industrial washing of produce.
On 1 May 2015, the indigenous leader Eusébio, of the Ka’apor community, has been killed in an ambush in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, by two hooded men that are thought to be illegal loggers. Eusébio was shot in the back by two gunmen riding a motorbike. Though his companions sought help, Eusébio died two
How can all the world’s people have access to water? Aquae Venezia, an event corollary to Expo, tries to answer to this question.
Tra sequoie altissime e bambù infestati, tra colonie di funghi e strutture naturali, ecco quali sono i giganti del mondo vegetale.