5 June is World Environment Day: we celebrate our (one and only) home

5 June is World Environment Day: we celebrate our (one and only) home

‘Home’ can mean a number of things according to each of us but ultimately it evokes a sense of safety and well-being. It’s an ancestral space where our memories and experiences lie. Planet Earth is our home. It’s the place where our species took its first steps, and evolved throughout millennia. World Environment Day Unlike any other animal species we

Ranger dies at 26 to protect gorillas at Virunga National Park

Ranger dies at 26 to protect gorillas at Virunga National Park

Yet another ranger, Patrick Muhayirwa, 26, has been killed in an ambush of Mai-Mai militia. According to the park’s authorities, the ranger was patrolling the Virunga National Park with the army of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A second ranger, Jean Claude Muhindo Mastaki, was seriously injured in the attack. He received medical attention and

Letter to the youth of Planet Earth

Letter to the youth of Planet Earth

Jane Goodall ha scritto una lettera sul futuro della Terra, per le giovani generazioni. L’occasione è stata il Festival delle lettere di Milano di cui il Jane Goodall institute Italie è charity partner.

Colobus Conservation, restoring Kenya’s coasts to protect monkeys

Colobus Conservation, restoring Kenya’s coasts to protect monkeys

The rare Angolan black and white colobus monkey lives high in the trees and hardly ever comes down to the ground. It is a leaf eater and the forest is essential to its survival. On the southern coast of Kenya, where the coral rag forests which are extremely rich in biodiversity have slowly been disappearing in favour of

Gorillas hum and sing while they eat

Gorillas hum and sing while they eat

Sembra che cantare sia per i gorilla un modo di esprimere soddisfazione per il loro pasto. Questa scoperta potrebbe aiutare a far luce sull’evoluzione del linguaggio nei primi esseri umani.