Italians want gay couples to be recognised, but the government hesitates

Italy is the only country of Western Europe to not recognise same-sex marriages or any form of civil union between gay people.   France, Spain, the UK, but also the faraway Iceland, and the super-catholic Ireland allow people of the same sex to get married, according to the country’s regulations. On the other hand, Germany,

Italy is the only country of Western Europe to not recognise same-sex marriages or any form of civil union between gay people.


France, Spain, the UK, but also the faraway Iceland, and the super-catholic Ireland allow people of the same sex to get married, according to the country’s regulations. On the other hand, Germany, Austria, and the “strict” Hungary recognise gay couple through civil unions.




Italy doesn’t. In Italy, two people that love each other can be legally recognised as a couple only if of different sex. Otherwise, the state does not recognise their “love”, despite the parliament and the government led by Matteo Renzi have more than once promised the adoption of an appropriate law on the issue.


Furthermore, it’s even more upsetting knowing that according to a survey three Italians out of four are favourable to recognise same-sex couples (74%), despite the presence in the country of a very influential body, the Catholic Church. The percentage is higher than 50 per cent even only considering Italy’s practising Catholics: 62%, divided into those wanting civil unions to be recognised (37%) and those who want gay marriages to be recognised (25%).




The survey carried out by Ipsos and published by the newspaper Corriere della Sera by Nando Pagnoncelli, involved 998 Italians.

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